Utilizing advanced high-throughput flow cytometry to quantify direct and competitive live cell antibody binding

Written by Sartorius

Monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapeutics comprise one of the most rapidly growing drug classes, with over 100 mAbs approved for use by the US FDA. The success of mAbs as a class of therapeutics is largely due to their high specificity and affinity for the target antigen. Evaluation of mAb target binding is therefore a critical part of the antibody development process and robust, high-throughput techniques are needed to facilitate rapid screening of antibody libraries. Utilizing such techniques as early as possible in the drug discovery pathway can enhance the quality of ‘hits’ generated for mAbs with desirable characteristics, providing increased likelihood of candidates being progressed through the clinical pipeline.

In this Application Note, we present two simple assays that utilize the iQue® Advanced Flow Cytometry Platform and validated reagents to measure binding of unlabeled therapeutic mAbs to your target on live cells.

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This White Paper includes:

  • A direct antibody binding assay that ranks mAbs based on binding to target cells, with the ability to analyze binding to multiple cell types in a single well
  • A competitive binding assay that can reveal mAbs that target different epitopes.