How credible is your scientific research? Find out in your latest issue of BioTechniques

Written by Ebony Torrington (Managing Editor)

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This issue of BioTechniques presents a live cell imaging method in a model of Alzheimer’s disease, describes a new technique for disease detection in wounded leaves and modifies plasmids to make them compatible with the Golden Gate assembly method. Check out the full listing for the August issue below.

Technology news

Reproducibility, scientific rigor and responsibility – Let us know at @MyBioTechniques how you are improving reproducibility in your field of research!

Reports & Benchmarks

Screening for androgen agonists using autonomously bioluminescent HEK293 reporter cells

Unbiased automated quantitation of ROS signals in live retinal neurons of Drosophila using Fiji/ImageJ

A fast, nondestructive method for the detection of disease-related lesions and wounded leaves

Single-cell RNA sequencing of intramedullary canal tissue to improve methods for studying fracture repair biology

A simple approach for effective shearing and reliable concentration measurement of ultra-high-molecular-weight DNA

Rapid Golden Gate assembly of exons from genomic DNA for protein expression in Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris

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