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Hello PhD | Why we (still) podcast

We’ve taken a look through the wealth of episodes in the Hello PhD back catalog, a fantastic podcast created and hosted by Josh Hall (Howard Hughes Medical Institute; MA, USA) and Daniel Arneman (American Efficient; NC, USA), to share some of our favorite episodes with you. There will be episodes about setting up an academic Twitter, rediscovering your passion for science, grad school rejection, and so much more!

Josh (left) and Daniel (right) first met in 2002 during their grad school admissions interview and began Hello PhD in 2015 to chat about all things grad school. In this episode, the pair revisit the early days of Hello PhD and look back on why they started this podcast.

If you can’t wait for our next pick of Hello PhD, you can keep up to date and find all of their episodes here and make sure to give them a follow on Twitter at @HelloPhD.